Monday 27 September 2010

Indie's new bed

So for Indie's first birthday we got her a new bed!! To be fair we got some toys first but the first one she was scared of ( it made a noise and I couldn't stand the barking at it) and so was taken away and the 2nd one she tore to pieces so quickly we had to take it away as there was so many little pieces everywhere we looked like we had a preschool staying with us!! So back to the Pet shop we got a new bed. I took her with me to "try them out" and this was the one she picked, or alternatively decided that she had had enough so just lied down and it just so happen that there was a bed under her.

That's the thing about Indie life just happens around her.

So the new bed, it sat at the bottom of the stairs, like where the other bed was, and everyday I came down to find her asleep on the kitchen floor. I suppose I should of guess the minute she sniffed at it and then slowly walked backwards away from it, (I would guess other dog had been in the pet shop and she thought one was hiding secretly in the bed, honestly) that maybe she wanted the old bed back, but this wasn't an option as they were horrid now!!

So this weekend we have moved the bed to a different location and to my surprise there she was when i went out to the kitchen, indie soundo on the bed!! So all it took a different location and maybe some biscuits as a treat to get her to go on it, OK I know, if it was a child this would be bribery but seriously with a dog treats are the way forward for anything.

Indie is now enjoying her bed although it does mean every time i go near the cupboard with the treats in she runs and sits down on the bed, expecting something!!

Saturday 25 September 2010

Why I've done this!!

Well why have I?? One year ago me and my husband decided that getting a dog would be a great idea!! We researched lost of different breeds and spent hours looking over puppy pictures and we came across her!! Our little Airedale Terrier puppy!! She was so cute on the first visit i had to have her! So we returned home (not with her, she was still to young) to read all out bringing our puppy into our world and read book on Airedales!! It seemed like a match made in heaven. Here we were bring out little puppy into the world and sharing with you what the breeder books don't tell you! And that is why a year later I  have started to write about her!!

Indie is an adorable puppy, showing you with love and attention every minute she is with you, however Indie shows her love in some very special ways which is why over my blogging will share the true Airedale puppy and how my eccentric little (or not so little) puppy deals with everyday life!