Sunday 24 February 2013


Indie has a certain love affair with toast!

It has to have butter and preferably marmite on it and she is suddenly the most obedient dog in the world!

She will follow you round, with the most perfect heal so to make sure she gets the crusts.

She watches as you eat not taking her eyes of of you and If you not eating fast enough a little moan comes out, hurry up I want the crusts.

The problem is I only do two slices and she has all the crusts ( to keep her hair curly) so on special occasions I do three so there is more to share around, she loves me the most on these days!

1 comment:

  1. Indie can we come and visit you? Your Mum is so kind to share her toast, we don't get anything like that. *sniff*

    Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie
